Thursday, January 13, 2005

Wherever has my time gone?

I've discovered that unless I have structure to my day, the hours go by and I seem to achieve very little. The days when I don't need to work, and don't get woken by the alarm clock to start the day, and leave the house by a certain time to get to work on time, I mooch around, make brekky, do a few chores, maybe go shopping, and by the end of the day I feel like I haven't done what I could have, if I'd done it differently (if you get what I mean).

Now I do find that easy kind of day quite enjoyable. I've never been the kind of person to sit around, watch TV or simply 'veg out' and have always enjoyed a routine of get up, eat, go to work etc. But now that I'm going to be working just part time instead of 5 days a week, I'm going to have to set myself some strict ground rules if I'm going to feel satisfied with what I've done with my time at the end of each day.

There's lot's of things I've been wanting to do once I finished full time work, I will just have to make sure that I work out a timetable for myself and try to keep to it. Well, I can hear you say - that's not much fun - but I guess there are some people in the world for whom that kind of regime works well - and I know my days are going to be busy and fulfilling - so semi retirement - here I come!

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